Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: OPTY/ NREG SAVE SORRY, I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH !!! Opty MPEG Save u 1.2b (05.XII.1999) by MICHAL JARZYNSKI 1. Intro PUBLIC DOMAIN 2. What is it? "Opty MPEG Save" is a small program to choice parameters of the mpeg-audio music saved with OptyCDP layer. 3. Requirements Amiga with KS 2.0+ (tested only on 3.0) CD-ROM (ATAPI or SCSI, not CDTV or CD OptyCDPlayer v2.0+ (tested only with version 2.1) CPU 68020+ with FPU or PPC processor 4. Installation Copy all files in the 'Tools' directory to the 'Tools' directory located in your OptyCDPlayer main directory. You may backup 'SaveMPeg' file, example rename it to the 'SaveMPeg.original'. If you want encode tracks to MPEG-Layer 3 format you must copy newer version of Music In or LAME encoder to OptyCDPlayer/Tools/ directory. If you copy LAME encoder you should rename executable file to LAME (no LAME.040 or LAME.elf). If you don't change name of LAME or don't copy LAME to OptyCDP layer/Tools directory you may also change one line in OptyCDP layer/Tools/SaveMPeg file. Change line: set LAME LAME to: set LAME LAME.040 or: set LAME runelf LAME.elf or: set LAME Work: Audio/Encoders/LAME.060 5. Usage If you choice the Format cycle-gadget, select MPEG2-II Mono or MPEG2-II Stereo and click Save button, you save the MPEG music with standards parameters: 64 kbps for MONO, 128 kbs, STEREO mode for STEREO. If you install the OptyMPEGSave, you can change some parameters of the file, before save. You can choice: MODE: for mono - MONO for stereo - LAME Mono STEREO JOIN-STEREO DUAL-CHANNEL LAME Stereo LAME Join-Stereo MS-Stereo LAME LAYER: 1, 2 or 3 BITRATE: 32 - 384, by 16 WARNING !!! If you set LAYER 3 and you use old version of Music In your OptyCDP layer crash. You must then restart computer. If you set mode to LAMETxxxxxx then LAME always encode track to LAYER 3. OptyCDPlayer menu: SAVE PREFS save the current configuration of the OptyMPEGSave about the program ABOUT QUIT exit, with no save mpeg file. Main window has two buttons: START! and CANCEL. Start! button run save mpeg music. If you press the Cancel the OptyCDPlayer show the mpeg music is saving, but it's not really. MPEG file is not saving! Press About button in OptyCDPlayer window to continue work. 6. MPEG Layer 3 If you haven't newer version of MusicIn and LAME encoder (you can not encode to LAYER 3) then you can off LAYER 3 in OptyMPEGSave program (if you set LAYER 3 with older version MusicIn then you OptyCDPlayer will crash). You must then edit OptyCDP layer/Tools/SaveMPeg file and change line: OptyMPEGSave MODE (MODE} MP3 to: OptyMPEGSave MODE (MODE} Version 1.0 - 13.XII.1999 - AMINET first official version you can set layer 1, 2 or 3 you can set mode to MONO, STEREO, JOIN-STEREO, DUAL-CHANNEL you can set bitrate: 32 - 384 (by 16) Version 1.1 23.1.1999 - not public you can use PEGASE encoder, but NOT WORK? (I wrote to author but I haven't aby answer) Version 1.2 30.XI.1999 - not public you can't use PEGASE you can use LAME encoder add modes: LAME Mono, LAME Stereo, LAME Join-Stereo, LAME MS-Stereo program crashed on PPC processor BUG!!! Version 1.2b - 05.XII.1999 - AMINET bug fixed - now program work on PPC processor 8. Thanks To Stéphane 'Opty' Barbaray - OptyCDP layer To Stephane Tavenard - Music In To Mark Taylor, Michael Cheng, Michael Hipp - LAME encoder To Eric TOTEL - MUIBuilder To ALIENDESIGN - ASM-Generator for MUIBuilder To Frank WILLE - PhxAss To AMIGA Live 9. My programs OptyMPEGSave save the mpeg music with OptyCDP layer HiQ -play samples with more that 29 kHz frequency StartSaver - save the date & time, when you turn on the computer 10. Contact - write to me! IF YOU FOUND ANY BUG (BUGS) IN THIS PROGRAM, YOU LIKE THIS PROGRAM OR YOU THINK THAT THE PROGRAM IS [-----], WRITE TO ME... e-mail: michal michal www:"michal ja s-mail: MICHAL JARZYNSKI LGOTA MUROWANA 24 42-345 KROCZYCE POLAND tel: (0-34) 315-52-25 (POLAND ONLY) SORRY, I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH !!! 7. History IIIII |||||